Nicholas Z, Founder // Owner
PBC Pre-Physical Therapy, CU Boulder
BA Movement & Sport Sciences, Purdue
HEADS UP Concussion Certified, CDC
CPR/AED Certified, AHA
Teva Mountain Games – Vail, Jun 2011 – Parkour Performer
NBA: Halftime Show – Detroit, Apr 2011 – Parkour Performer
Red Bull: AoM – Tampa, Sep 2010 – Competing Athlete
Nick began his Parkour training compelled by his passion for human movement. He discovered a parallel between Parkour and life in persevering to overcome challenges. Whatever the problem, he chipped away piece by piece in search of the answer. This practice took him from novice practitioner to competing and performing with RedBull, the NBA, and various charities as an outreach method. Participating in these events gave him a deeper understanding of the power that movement can produce to build communities and foster growth. He co-founded the first Parkour club at Purdue University, followed by the first Parkour school in the Midwest, and since 2011, the youth Parkour school, Superhuman Academy. Outside of Parkour you’ll find him baking sourdough bread, playing piano, and venturing out and about the mountains of Colorado.

Evan T, Head Coach
Evan has been on a parkour journey since he was 4 years old, with dreams of zipping about high-rises and cityscapes like Spiderman. He was introduced to parkour at a young age and has been deepening his love for movement for most of his life now. He is eager to share his passion with others and wants to help people overcome physical and mental challenges, just as he’s learned through his experience with parkour. In additition to his work here at the academy, Evan is pursuring a career in life-coaching to continue helping others manifest their dreams.

McCarley R, Coach
Bio coming soon.

Jayden H, Coach
Airwipp Challenge U16 – Helsingborg, 2018 – 3rd place
USAPK Cup U16 – Tampa, 2019 – 1st place
Project Underground Adult Division – Rotherham, 2019 – 3rd place
NAPC – Vancouver, 2019 – Competing Athlete
Kings of the Concrete – Los Angeles, 2022 – Competing Athlete
NAPC – Vancouver, 2022 – Competing Athlete
Jayden began training Parkour and Freerunning at 11 years old and is driven by his love for breaking down and overcoming challenges. Prior to Parkour, Jayden competed as a Freestyle skier, a similar sport to parkour in that every new move was a new challenge to conquer, and that it required a lot of air awareness. In 2017, after placing 7th in the USASA National finals U16 division, Jayden made the permanent switch to Parkour and Freerunning. Since then he has been continuing to chip away at the unlimited challenges Parkour has to offer, growing his skill set while competing in National and International Parkour events. Jayden is looking to pass down his love for challenges to his students so they too may learn to embrace the process.

Cellinia M, Assistant Coach
bio coming soon.

Shae G, Assistant Coach
Shae has been a student here at Superhuman Academy for over 6 years and kicked off his coaching journey as a volunteer in the Summer of 2021. He worked his way up in to an assistant role in the Summer of 2022 and is now coaching alongside the head coaches during classes, camps, and special events throughout the entire year. He loves the feeling of progressing and overcoming mental battles. He looks forward to getting better at both parkour and coaching and hopes to give his students the same love of movement that he has personally enjoyed. Outside of parkour, you’ll find Shae playing lacrosse and up in the mountains snowboarding.

Jeremy W, Parkour Build Pro
Jeremy has a serendipitous relationship with the Superhuman Academy. With backgrounds in parkour as an athlete and as a carpenter and welder, he was the perfect person to bring our bar setup to life. He’s also quite proficient with finish carpentry, and when we realized we were quickly approaching our deadline to open the new gym, Jeremy didn’t hesitate to reach out. After completing the bars, the lobby, and every mobile obstacle scattered about the gym, he’s found a home here at the Superhuman Academy. You’ll occasionally see him around frequently building new equipment, repairing and refining structures, and occasionally jumping and swinging about the gym! He’s also available for other parkour builds, home projects, and misc wood and welding opportunities, so reach out if you’re interested in having some beautiful work done. We’re excited to have him around… forever!

Kyler K, Media-Man
BA MCD Biology, CU Boulder
New Facility Promo, Superhuman Academy – Sep 2019, Videographer
Competition Highlights, Superhuman Academy – Jun 2018 – Videographer
Overcome, Superhuman Academy – Mar 2017 – Filmmaker
Arise Music Festival – 2016/2017/2018 – Filmmaker
Kyler believes that film holds a key role in the progression of Parkour and wants to share its stories with the world. Between his personal progress with Parkour and through his passion and experience with film, he’s been able to spread the teachings of the Superhuman Academy and convey with others their true, caring nature. Have a look around the website and enjoy his work!
Our Mission
su·per·hu·man [soo-per-hyoo-muhn]
— adj
1. going above or beyond what is human
2. exceeding normal human ability or experience
We utilize parkour as a medium for instilling confidence, fostering friendships, and having fun. With an academic focus in sports science and 15+ years of professional experience and coaching roles, we utilize an approach that fosters creativity, perseverance, and safety above all. We educate and inspire our students to become confident and responsible, in the gym and in the community.